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Lerna 的配置分为两个文件:lerna.jsonnx.json

¥Lerna's configuration is split into two files: lerna.json and nx.json.



如果你不使用 npm 作为包管理器(例如,如果你使用 yarnpnpm),那么设置此值很重要,以便 lerna 在解析配置和包时可以调整其一些内部逻辑。对于 pnpm 来说尤其如此,因为它使用单独的 pnpm-workspaces.yaml 文件来定义其工作区配置。

¥It is important to set this value if you are not using npm as your package manager (e.g. if you are using yarn or pnpm) so that lerna can adjust some of its internal logic when resolving configuration and packages. This is particularly true in the case of pnpm because it uses a separate pnpm-workspaces.yaml file to define its workspaces configuration.


默认情况下,lerna 将尝试重用你从你选择的包管理器中获得的任何 workspaces 配置。如果你希望指定 lerna 操作的可用包的子集,你可以使用 packages 属性,该属性将告诉 Lerna 在哪里查找 package.json 文件。

¥By default, lerna will try and reuse any workspaces configuration you may have from your package manager of choice. If you prefer to specify a subset of your available packages for lerna to operate on, you can use the packages property which will tell Lerna where to look for package.json files.

"packages": ["packages/*"]


Lerna 有两种发布包的模式:fixedindependent。当使用固定模式时,所有受影响的包将使用相同的版本发布。最后发布的版本记录在 lerna.json 中如下:

¥Lerna has two modes of publishing packages: fixed and independent. When using the fixed mode, all the affected packages will be published using the same version. The last published version is recorded in lerna.json as follows:

"version": "1.2.0"

当使用独立模式时,每个包都是单独版本的,lerna.json 将如下所示:

¥When using the independent mode, every package is versioned separately, and lerna.json will look as follows:

"version": "independent"

有关详细信息,请参阅 版本和发布文档

¥See the version and publish docs for more details.


lerna.json 文件还可以对每个命令的选项进行编码,如下所示:

¥The lerna.json files can also encode options for each command like so:

"command": {
"version": {
"allowBranch": "main",
"conventionalCommits": true

API 文档 中查找可用选项。

¥Find the available options in the API docs.


注意:"{projectRoot}" 和 "{workspaceRoot}" 是任务运行程序支持的特殊语法,当命令运行时,它们将在内部进行适当的插值。因此,你不应将 "{projectRoot}" 或 "{workspaceRoot}" 替换为固定路径,因为这会降低你的配置灵活性。

¥NOTE: "{projectRoot}" and "{workspaceRoot}" are special syntax supported by the task-runner, which will be appropriately interpolated internally when the command runs. You should therefore not replace "{projectRoot}" or "{workspaceRoot}" with fixed paths as this makes your configuration less flexible.

"namedInputs": {
"default": ["{projectRoot}/**/*"],
"prod": ["!{projectRoot}/**/*.spec.tsx"]
"targetDefaults": {
"build": {
"dependsOn": ["prebuild", "^build"],
"inputs": ["prod", "^prod"],
"outputs": ["{projectRoot}/dist"],
"cache": true
"test": {
"inputs": ["default", "^prod", "{workspaceRoot}/jest.config.ts"],
"cache": true


¥Target Defaults

目标是 npm 脚本名称。你可以在 targetDefaults 部分的存储库中添加与每个项目的构建脚本关联的元数据。

¥Targets are npm script names. You can add metadata associated with say the build script of each project in the repo in the targetDefaults section.


当设置为 true 时,告诉 Nx 缓存运行脚本的结果。在大多数存储库中,所有非长时间运行的任务(即不是 serve)都应该是可缓存的。

¥When set to true, tells Nx to cache the results of running the script. In most repos all non-long running tasks (i.e., not serve) should be cacheable.


目标可以依赖于其他目标。一个常见的场景是在构建项目之前必须先构建项目的依赖。dependsOn 属性可用于定义单个目标的依赖。

¥Targets can depend on other targets. A common scenario is having to build dependencies of a project first before building the project. The dependsOn property can be used to define the dependencies of an individual target.

"dependsOn": [ "prebuild", "^build"] 告诉 Nx,每个构建脚本都需要同一个项目的预构建脚本和所有依赖的构建脚本首先运行。

¥"dependsOn": [ "prebuild", "^build"] tells Nx that every build script requires the prebuild script of the same project and the build script of all the dependencies to run first.

inputs & namedInputs

inputs 数组告诉 Nx 要考虑什么来确定脚本的特定调用是否应该缓存命中。输入分为三种类型:

¥The inputs array tells Nx what to consider to determine whether a particular invocation of a script should be a cache hit or not. There are three types of inputs:





  • {projectRoot}/**.*.ts

  • {fileset: "{projectRoot}/**/*.ts"} 相同

    ¥same as {fileset: "{projectRoot}/**/*.ts"}

  • {workspaceRoot}/jest.config.ts

  • {fileset: "{workspaceRoot}/jest.config.ts} 相同

    ¥same as {fileset: "{workspaceRoot}/jest.config.ts}


¥Runtime Inputs



  • {runtime: "node -v"}


¥Node the result value is hashed, so it is never displayed.


¥Env Variables



  • {env: "MY_ENV_VAR"}


¥Node the result value is hashed, so it is never displayed.


¥Named Inputs



  • inputs: ["prod"]

  • inputs: [{input: "prod", projects: "self"}] 相同

    ¥same as inputs: [{input: "prod", projects: "self"}]

通常相同的 glob 会出现在许多地方(例如,prod 文件集将排除所有项目的规范文件)。由于保持它们同步很容易出错,因此我们建议定义命名输入,然后你可以在所有这些位置引用它们。

¥Often the same glob will appear in many places (e.g., prod fileset will exclude spec files for all projects).. Because keeping them in sync is error-prone, we recommend defining named inputs, which you can then reference in all of those places.

使用 ^

¥Using ^



  • inputs: ["^prod"]

  • inputs: [{input: "prod", projects: "dependencies"}] 相同

    ¥same as inputs: [{input: "prod", projects: "dependencies"}]

dependsOn 类似,"^" 符号表示 "dependencies"。这是一个非常重要的想法,所以让我们用一个例子来说明它。

¥Similar to dependsOn, the "^" symbols means "dependencies". This is a very important idea, so let's illustrate it with an example.

"test": {
"inputs": [ "default", "^prod" ]

上面的配置意味着测试目标依赖于给定项目的所有源文件,并且仅依赖于其依赖的 prod 源(非测试源)。换句话说,它将测试源视为私有的。如果你的 remixapp 项目依赖于 header 库,则更改 header 测试不会对 remixapp 测试目标产生任何影响。

¥The configuration above means that the test target depends on all source files of a given project and only prod sources (non-test sources) of its dependencies. In other words, it treats test sources as private. If your remixapp project depends on the header library, changing the header tests will not have any effect on the remixapp test target.


"outputs": ["{projectRoot}/dist"] 告诉 Nx 构建脚本将在哪里创建文件工件。提供的值实际上是默认值,因此在这种情况下我们可以省略它。"outputs": [] 告诉 Nx 测试目标不会在磁盘上创建任何工件。你可以列出任意数量的输出。你还可以使用 glob 或单个文件作为输出。

¥"outputs": ["{projectRoot}/dist"] tells Nx where the build script is going to create file artifacts. The provided value is actually the default, so we can omit it in this case. "outputs": [] tells Nx that the test target doesn't create any artifacts on disk. You can list as many outputs as you many. You can also use globs or individual files as outputs.

通常不需要此配置。Nx 具有合理的默认值,可以实现上述配置。

¥This configuration is usually not needed. Nx comes with reasonable defaults which implement the configuration above.


¥Project-Specific Configuration

对于许多项目相似的工作区,nx.json 将包含整个 Nx 配置。有时,将特定于项目的配置放置在项目的 package.json 文件中很有用。

¥For a lot of workspaces, where projects are similar, nx.json will contain the whole Nx configuration. Sometimes, it's useful to have a project-specific configuration, which is placed in the project's package.json file.

"name": "parent",
"scripts": {
"build": "...",
"test": "..."
"dependencies": {...},
"nx": {
"namedInputs": {
"prod": [
"targets": {
"build": {
"dependsOn": [
"inputs": [
"outputs": [
"implicitDependencies": ["projecta", "!projectb"]

请注意,nx.json 中定义的 namedInputstargetDefaults 只是默认值。如果你采用该配置并将其复制到每个项目的 package.json 文件中,结果将是相同的。

¥Note, the namedInputs and targetDefaults defined in nx.json are simply defaults. If you take that configuration and copy it into every project's package.json file, the results will be the same.

换句话说,每个项目都有一组命名输入,其定义为:{...namedInputsFromNxJson, ...namedInputsFromProjectsPackageJson}。每个目标/脚本的 dependsOn 都定义为 dependsOnFromProjectsPackageJson || dependsOnFromNxJson。这同样适用于 inputsoutputs

¥In other words, every project has a set of named inputs, and it's defined as: {...namedInputsFromNxJson, ...namedInputsFromProjectsPackageJson}. Every target/script's dependsOn is defined as dependsOnFromProjectsPackageJson || dependsOnFromNxJson. The same applies to inputs and outputs.

inputs & namedInputs

为给定目标定义 inputs 将替换 nx.json 中定义的该目标名称的输入集。使用伪代码 inputs = ||

¥Defining inputs for a given target would replace the set of inputs for that target name defined in nx.json. Using pseudocode inputs = ||

你还可以定义和重新定义命名输入。这实现了一个关键用例,你的 nx.json 可以定义如下内容(适用于每个项目):

¥You can also define and redefine named inputs. This enables one key use case, where your nx.json can define things like this (which applies to every project):

"test": {
"inputs": [

项目可以定义其 prod 文件集,而无需重新定义 test 目标的输入。

¥And projects can define their prod fileset, without having to redefine the inputs for the test target.

"name": "parent",
"scripts": {
"build": "...",
"test": "..."
"dependencies": {...},
"nx": {
"namedInputs": {
"prod": [

在这种情况下,Nx 将为每个项目使用正确的 prod 输入。

¥In this case Nx will use the right prod input for each project.


为给定目标定义 dependsOn 将替换 nx.json 中定义的目标名称的 dependsOn。使用伪代码 dependsOn = ||

¥Defining dependsOn for a given target would replace dependsOn for that target name defined in nx.json. Using pseudocode dependsOn = ||


为给定目标定义 outputs 将替换 nx.json 中定义的目标名称的 outputs。使用伪代码 outputs = ||

¥Defining outputs for a given target would replace outputs for that target name defined in nx.json. Using pseudocode outputs = ||


"implicitDependencies": ["projecta", "!projectb"] 行告诉 Nx,父项目依赖于 projecta,即使其 package.json 中没有依赖。Nx 将以与处理显式依赖相同的方式处理此类依赖。它还告诉 Nx,即使存在对 projectb 的显式依赖,也应该忽略它。

¥The "implicitDependencies": ["projecta", "!projectb"] line tells Nx that the parent project depends on projecta even though there is no dependency in its package.json. Nx will treat such a dependency in the same way it treats explicit dependencies. It also tells Nx that even though there is an explicit dependency on projectb, it should be ignored.


¥Additional Configuration

有关配置任务和缓存的其他方法,请参阅相关的 NX 文档

¥For additional ways to configure tasks and caching, see the relevant Nx documentation.